Golubic Weddings | Destination Wedding Photographer Croatia » Dubrovnik and destination Wedding Photographer form Croatia

Zagreb Croatia Wedding Photographer | Marijana & Kenneth

Nova sezona fotografiranja vjenčanja nije mogla bolje početi. Prekrasno malo vjenčanje u srcu Zagreba i predivni mladenci..
Marijana i Kenneth upoznali su se jedne vruće ljetne noći u Zagrebu… On američki vojnik, ona učiteljica u Hrvatskoj… Marijani je Gornji grad uvijek bio najljepši dio Zagreba i upravo je tu počela njihova priča… Nitko im nije davao šanse i mislio da će njihova ljubav opstati i potrajati… Razdvajali su ih oceani i kontinenti… Nekoliko godina poslije eto ih tu, na istom mjestu, na dan njihovog vjenčanja, na prekrasnom Gornjem gradu, u prekrasnoj Markovoj crkvi… Ništa u životu nije slučajno, a prava ljubav ne poznaje granice i osvaja sve.




If you are wedding photographer form Croatia, you are really lucky because you have so much beautiful locations for weddings. The new wedding season started perfectly. Beautiful little wedding in the heart of Zagreb, Croatia and wonderful couple…
Marijana and Kenneth met on a hot summer night in Zagreb few years ago … He was an American soldier, she was a teacher in Croatia … For Marijana “Gornji grad” ( Upper Town ) was always the most beautiful part of Zagreb and this is exactly where their story began … Nobody believed that their love has a chance to survive and last… … They were divided by the oceans and continents … A few years later, they are here, in the same place, on the day of their wedding, in the beautiful Upper Town, on the altar of the beautiful St. Mark’s church… Everything in life happens with a reason and real love knows no borders and conquers all…






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